Does “paying it forward” really work? [video]

I realized that I’ve been “paying it forward” a lot this past week. Doing things for others without any expectation of being paid back or even being thanked. So, how do you know if it really works? Did you know that it can also be a very selfish act to “pay it forward”?   Do you…

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Re-Creation [video]

Recreation or re-creation? After having one of the busiest weekends I’ve had in awhile (I didn’t do any business work), I noticed that I was more rested this morning when it was time to work… even though I didn’t rest all weekend. I’m realizing that when I’m idle (resting) my mind is still focused on…

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“But I don’t waaaaana do it…” [video]

Do you ever hear your inner toddler whining about something that needs to get done? That thing that you really don’t feel like doing and have been putting off… Here’s my solution to getting the task done and putting the inner toddler down for a nap.  Does copywriting cause your inner toddler to come out?…

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Up your game? [video]

Yesterday I decided to try a different approach on my training for The Jim Edwards Method Premium members this month. Several people attending have us great feedback and it made me realize that sometimes you just need to change things up. Try different stuff, experiment! Just the tiniest changes can have the biggest impact!  …

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Are You Having A Motivational Crisis!

Are You Having A Motivational Crisis!

Let me ask you a few questions, friend. 

• Have you ever felt unmotivated?

• Have you ever not felt like doing something? 

• Have you ever felt as though you didn’t want to do anything because you just weren’t motivated?

Well, let me give you three ways to get more motivated in case you’re not… 

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Have the enthusiasm of a child… [video]

Kids think that everything’s a game. Everything’s fun! Kids don’t think about the negatives. What if it doesn’t work out? What if somebody makes fun of me? What if I look stupid? When was the last time you looked forward to getting up in the morning, getting to work and doing what you wanted to…

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Do You Make This Mistake Phrasing Your Goals?

Many people put a lot of focus on their goals (and they should). But one mistake that people make is phrasing their goals in the negative. Probably the most common way that I see people phrase their goals goes something like this: “I’m going to stop smoking.”  “I’m going to lose weight.” When you phrase…

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Some of the best advice I ever got… [video]

You never know what someone else is going through, but you always have the choice to be kind… Especially now when everyone is going through something.  Funnel Friday’s are BACK! We’re starting back up this Friday, May 1st – Spots are limited and there will not be a replay so register NOW!  Facebook •…

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Something I wish I knew about copywriting when I was first getting started… [video]

If you want to make more sales or if you want to get more subscribers, here’s a copywriting tip… Testing ads is an investment, not a gamble. Have you found yourself erring on the side of caution with ads?  If you want to write great ads, sales letters and emails get my FREE book here:…

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Face things head on… [video]

Now is NOT the time to bury your head in the sand. Burying your head in the sand only leads to a growing problem that will end up causing you additional stress, burden, more money and sometimes customers.  Check out past episodes of Funnel Fridays here: Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn •…

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