The Critical Differences Between A “List” And A “Tribe”

I hear people say all the time…

“I need a bigger list” or “I don’t have a big list” or “I don’t have a list at all” or “My list is old!”

“How do you reinvigorate an old list?”

“Nobody’s born with a list!”

Everybody’s obsessed with the size of their list and building a list. But let me tell you, there’s a huge difference between having a list and building a tribe.

A list is nothing more than “data.”

A list is just a bunch of emails.

A tribe is…

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Weekly Update – May 4, 2022

A Note From Jim Think Building a Profitable List Is Difficult and Expensive? Think Again! Many people believe building up an email list is super expensive, takes a long time, and is really hard to do. Surprisingly, nothing could be further from the truth. Here’s what I mean… People believe list building is difficult because:…

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What If I Had To Build A List From Scratch?

What If I Had To Build A List From Scratch?

Someone asked me what I would do if I had to build a list from scratch.

And the answer is straightforward.

There are three major steps I’d take to build a list from scratch.

#1 Decide EXACTLY Who I Want On My List.

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Weekly Update – October 6, 2021

A Note From Jim The Great Facebook Outage of 2021 – The Day The Earth Stood Still So, it’s no secret that Facebook went down for a LONG time this past Monday. Posts were not posted… Likes were not liked… People lost their freaking minds because they couldn’t get pissed off about some political meme…

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What happens when FB or Google goes down? [video]

After having over 2,500 emails get rejected from Gmail yesterday due to the worldwide outage it really made me think… What would happen if FB or Google went down? I personally would lean on my list. The one thing that you will always have is your list. One of the best ways to build your…

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How to get people who sign up for your list to actually download and consume the lead magnet? [video]

There are actually two schools of thought when it comes to the lead magnet and whether or not you should even worry about whether they are consuming it or not. I like the middle ground, which is to take advantage of both ideas. Watch this short video to learn more. Want to be the first…

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