Do Not Fear “Failure” – Welcome It With Open Arms!

Do Not Fear “Failure” – Welcome It With Open Arms!

Do not fear failure, BUT rather fear not trying!

What am I talking about?

It’s really simple.

Most people NEVER try because they consistently ask the wrong question.

They ask: What if it doesn’t work out?

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Weekly Update – September 29, 2021

A Note From Jim Is Fear Holding You Back? I just got back from Funnel Hacking Live… which was a life-changing experience, as always. One of the themes that seemed to jump out at me was “overcoming fear” and getting results. Fear takes many forms: Fear of rejection Fear of failure Fear of being found…

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Letting The Chickens Out With Jim: Fear [video]

I hope you live in fear today! Yes, you read that correctly… Sound harsh? Find out why in this short video. PS – the chickens are alive and well 🐔 Are you a published author? Do you want to be? Is fear holding you back? By using my simple 7 Day system you can become…

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Jim and Stew Discuss the F Word (Reframing Fear) – SCCMH [Podcast 94]

“Jim and Stew Discuss the F Word (Reframing Fear) – SCCMH [Podcast 94]”

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith have a discussion about the F Word. Reframing fear and moving forward vs. freezing, too scared or intimidated. Fear and failure are good – they both are learning experiences if you don’t let them get you down and stop you in your tracks. Check out this discussion and you may find a unique way to change your direction or get you moving again when fear or nervousness stops you in your tracks.

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Is the “F word” stopping you? [video]

Everybody’s always so worried about the F word. If you say the F word on TV, you’re gonna get banned. If you say the F word on social media, you’re going to offend someone. What is the F word? Well, today the F word is FEAR. Fear can be a very tricky word that holds…

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Member’s Update – June 5, 2020

Fear of New Things

Hey, I get it… new stuff can be exciting, but it can be frightening too!

A new computer always gets me excited… but for some people, it’s a source of fear, frustration, and a giant perceived pain in the rear end.

But here’s the thing: if you want something new, you gotta try something new.

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The Good Opinion of Others…

A while back I had a unique experience. This was the first time I’ve ever had someone tell me on a live webinar that I was going to Hell. Yep – straight downstairs to the land of pitchforks, fire and never-ending suffering. Now, I’ve been told to go to hell more than once in my…

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