If You Want To Build Momentum In Anything – Warm Up First!

I want to talk to you about momentum. 💗 Momentum’s interesting because in all areas of our life, you probably don’t think too much about how momentum affects our ability to get results. But momentum, or lack of momentum, actually is the key determinant in your ability to get results. 💪💫 Let’s use the example…
Weekly Update – May 16, 2018

A Note From Jim If you want to make something happen in your business, get into motion. “Move it or lose it” is the theme this week! Jim What Happened? I posted another quick and fun Lessons with Jim video (just 2:30 minutes) that’s a must see if you want to know the secret to…
Blogging Is Like Raising Chickens

Today I’m gonna teach you about blogging. Now what does blogging have to do with chickens? Interestingly enough, a lot! I was having a conversation with my daughter the other day as we were walking past the chickens. She said, “Dad, they really do follow you everywhere.” And I said “Well, you know why. You’d…
Lessons with Jim – Blogging Is Like Raising Chickens [VIDEO]

Are you someone who needs or wants to build a bigger following? Do you constantly struggle with having to make people pay attention to you? If so, then I’ve got a great new video that competitors pray you never see! This video helps because it shows you how to build a bigger following and more!…