Sales Stories: Breakdown of Best Sales Stories and What Makes Them Effective – SCCMH [Podcast 152]

“Jim and Stew discuss (and ask for examples from the live audience) some of their best sales stories and why they worked: A sales story can develop from your identity or origin story into an effective piece of marketing, but you have to be careful and not let it box you into a business that cannot evolve from that story and continue to remain relevant and in front of your market…

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The Greatest Story of All Time in 60 Seconds Flat [video]

The hero’s journey follows a basic arc you can use to create an incredible storyline that motivates and persuades quickly. Use this framework to create your own amazing stories to help you sell more, convert more, get more clicks, profits, and make your sales copy more interesting. Would you like to get better at telling…

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The #1 Story To Tell To Make More Sales

The #1 Story To Tell To Make More Sales

I started selling my first book online back in 1997. I struggled for years. In fact, I struggled for four years trying to sell my book. Then I went to a seminar and I listened to somebody who said, “You need to tell a story on your sales letter.” Actually, first, he taught what a sales letter was, then he said you need to tell a story on your sales letter.
Now, I don’t know about you. But if somebody says, “Hey, tell a story.” It’s kind of hard to figure out which story to tell…

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This Word Made Me Millions: Stories [video]

Word of the day: Stories Stories are the most powerful tool for amazing sales copy and content ever created. A great story sells without selling, and the single most valuable thing you can do to make more sales is get better at telling stories. Start telling stories about your products, your customers, and your experiences.…

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Weekly Update – February 9, 2022

Jim’s Golden Nuggets 1. The Hero’s Journey In 60 Seconds The hero’s journey follows a basic arc you can use to create an incredible storyline that motivates and persuades quickly and easily. Your main character starts out on the left. Nothing’s too good. Nothing’s too bad. But then he makes a decision or something happens…

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The #1 Sales Story You Can Tell To Sell Anything! [video]

The #1 best story that you can tell to immediately increase sales is your “origin” story. That story answers a whole bunch of questions really, really fast. It’s the number one type of story you need to learn how to tell. Before I forget, if you’re wondering “How can I make more sales more consistently?”,…

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Member’s Update – June 5, 2020

Fear of New Things

Hey, I get it… new stuff can be exciting, but it can be frightening too!

A new computer always gets me excited… but for some people, it’s a source of fear, frustration, and a giant perceived pain in the rear end.

But here’s the thing: if you want something new, you gotta try something new.

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Member’s Update – May 29, 2020

The First Time I Saw The Power Of An Origin Story…

I was sitting in a hotel room in Boulder, Colorado.

I’d just heard a man speak who would change my life forever.

His name was Marlon Sanders and I’d just heard him explain how a direct response sales letter should get laid out.

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Member’s Update – Member 22, 2020


Having 4 puppies at once will teach you many things.

* How to clean up poop.

* How to reassure little ones when scared.

* How to entertain those with the attention span of a gnat.

* How to regain attention during a “squirrel!” moment.

* How to love someone even if they’re pissing you off at the moment.

(Side note: the above sounds a lot like managing a Help Desk – but hey, I’m a cynic!) 

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Member’s Update – May 15, 2020

Bob & Mary

Meet Bob.

Bob’s coming out with a product about making videos. He heard video is hot and he wants to cash in. He’s outsourcing the product creation 100%.

Bob’s never made a video before.

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