Weekly Update – December 11, 2019

A Note From Jim When Is Enough, Enough? Interesting thing happened recently while I was doing my quick morning video and gave a tip from my book “Copywriting Secrets”. I reminded people they could get a copy for free if they don’t have one yet… and I gave the page number to reference for those who…

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The question on everybody’s mind… [VIDEO]

When you’re asking somebody to buy from you, they are going to ask the question, why should I buy from you? You may be answering too soon… Watch this short video for more info. Get your FREE COPY of Copywriting Secrets here: http://www.copywritingsecrets.com/ Join us on Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn • Medium…

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Weekly Update – December 4, 2019

A Note From Jim How to Get Recognized Immediately as a True Expert Have you ever seen someone show up out of nowhere and suddenly dominate the scene in a niche market? These people go from unknown to “celebrity” seemingly in the blink of an eye. How do they do it? By doing several things…

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Weekly Update – November 27, 2019

A Note From Jim Getting Stuff Done With 4 puppies in the house (8 weeks old), I’ve been thrust back into the deep end of time management.  Whereas before I had all the time in the world, now my time is divided up into small chunks (mainly nap time). How I use those chunks of…

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