Weekly Update – October 28, 2020

A Note From Jim

Five Secrets To Run Ads That Get Lots Of Clicks From The Right People

You can have a much higher chance of running a successful ad if you follow these steps.

Instead of just popping off with any old ad, put on your thinking cap for a few minutes and really think.

If you don’t take your time and give this some thought, you’ll waste money (and maybe even damage your reputation)

Most people never succeed with online ads because they don’t take the time to figure out a few basics.

So, if you want to know how to run ads that get lots of clicks from the right people, here are some real-world secrets for you:

Secret # 1 – Know Your Avatar!
You have to know your target audience as well – or better – than they know themselves.
Only when you know their emotional hot buttons can you truly create an ad that gets the clicks you want… everything else is just a stab in the dark hoping you’ll hit on an ad that works.

Secret # 2 – It’s All About The Hook
Your hook is the key to success with your ad. Whether it’s the headline, an image, or a combination of the two, you must HOOK your target audience so they stop what they’re doing and click on your ad (so they can move on to the next step).

Secret # 3 – Test Small With Lots Of Ads
I once had a guy tell me at a conference that he wasted $1,000 on a pay-per-click ad in Google for an affiliate product. I asked him why he spent so much. He replied “I wanted to see if it would start working.” That guy could have tested 10, 20, even 30 ads with that budget… but he blew his budget on a single ad because he hoped it would start working. Let me tell you, if a pay-per-click ad won’t produce after $50, it ain’t gonna magically start working after you spend $1,000!

Secret # 4 – Don’t Get Emotionally Attached
We all love our words. We think we’re smart. We think our ads are amazing and everyone will love them. Nope.

In my experience, the ads you think will kill it end up flopping… and the ones you have no clue about end up hitting.

Don’t get emotionally attached… just keep running and testing new ads, even when you have a winner on your hands.

Secret # 5 – Don’t Sell In The Ad
Other than not having a hook, the biggest mistake I see people make is selling in the ad. The ad doesn’t sell the product (unless it’s a direct response advertisement). The purpose of the ad is to stop the right people in their tracks, pre-frame them, and get them to call, click, or come in to move on to the next step in your sales process. That’s it!

What should you do now? Sit down with a cup of your favorite beverage and create at least 3 ads you can run to promote your product.

Oh, one more thing before I forget. If you’re an entrepreneur who is serious about writing great ads that get lots of clicks from the right people, grab a free copy of my book, “Copywriting Secrets!” Check it out here: https://CopywritingSecrets.com

Featured Article

This week it’s all about ads and how to get attention and clicks. We’ll continue the topic on grabbing attention with Facebook ads.

Do you ever ask yourself: What are the best ways to stop people with your Facebook Ads?

Or better yet, what are the best types of ads to write?

I have some simple answers for you!

Click Here to See My Facebook Ad Tips

Letting The Chickens Out with Jim

Every week Jim goes live on Facebook and posts his morning tips while letting the chickens out.

Is the “F word” stopping you?

Focus on the essence…

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You can’t hide from this…

Sales Copywriting & Content Marketing Hacks Podcast Recap

We help entrepreneurs sell more with less effort and less stress… no matter what you sell! We cover topics on sales copy, content marketing, advertising, website sales letters, email marketing, headlines, ad writing and more.

WARNING: we are not here to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting… we’re here to make it easy for normal people to use words and pictures to make more sales and get results. And, we have a lot of fun doing it!

The Number 1 Ingredient of Entrepreneurship – SCCMH [Podcast 86]

The Offer – What Every Offer Needs In Order to Find Buyers – SCCMH [Podcast 85]

Business Model – Funnel Flow – SCCMH [Podcast 84]

Defining Your Niche Market and Marketing It Correctly – SCCMH [Podcast 83]

To watch more episodes Click Here!

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1 Comment

  • Adventago

    Reply Reply October 28, 2020

    Thanks for the weekly update JIM its really helpful

    Also, I love the live podcasts you are doing they are really cool

    Have a great day from your friend ADVENTAGO 🙂

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