Weekly Update – March 30, 2022

Jim’s Golden Nuggets

Four Ways to Cash in with Content

Four Ways to Cash in with ContentDo you know the four ways to cash in with content, no matter what you sell? Check out these four ways right now. Ready? Here we go!

1. Credibility
The fact that you are publishing content instantly raises you above everybody else in your niche; it makes you relevant, it makes you smart. It helps you be much more discerning about what you are teaching people.

2. Bridge to Sale
Create really cool content, whether it’s articles or videos, or posts or whatever, and that makes the bridge to sale. People are going to automatically jump to the next step if you do one thing: invite them to take the next logical step and investigate what you are selling.

3. Content “Assets”

Look at your content as building blocks you can use to construct posts, products, special reports, and even use in membership sites where people pay you on a monthly basis.

In other words, start viewing your regular content as an asset. It is something you can use over and over again.

4. Test Ideas Fast

The last way is my favorite. You can test ideas super-fast with your content by posting something on Facebook, LinkedIn, social media, your blog, or email. Watch what happens on the posts. Ask yourself: do people love it or do they kind of like it? Finding the answer helps prevent you from running down rabbit holes (and will save you a ton of time).

These are four ways to cash in with content immediately. You can sell more because you enjoy increased credibility; you create a bridge between your content and what you offer; and you make more money because you leverage your content assets into additional products (even a membership site).

And the best part is, you can save a ton of time by doing quick tests on your social media to see what people are interested in and what they’re not.

If you want the easy button for creating quality content that serves as the bridge to your next sale, check out this free training and start cashing in on your content.

How to Get All Of Your Stories, Articles, Blog Posts, Video Scripts, and “Content Marketing” Done AND Promoted On Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Your Blog, And More… In As Little As 10 Minutes!

Secret #1: Idea Hacking

How to instantly tap an infinite supply of magnetic story and content ideas that drive your target audience wild with excitement.

Secret #2: Legos® And MadLibs™ Can Make You Rich

How to use proven frameworks, blueprints, and patterns to get your own unique stories and content done in just minutes.

Secret #3: 0 To 100 MPH With Content Promotion

How every speaker, coach, or trainer can cut through all the online noise – attract the people you’re called to serve – and leave your competitors in the dust.

And Much MUCH More!

Register for the Replay Here

Featured Article

Let me tell you a quick story about how you can make money from Facebook stalkers. I want you to meet a couple of people. This is Bill. And this is Mary. Now, Bill and Mary are both coaches. Bill has been around for ten-plus years. He’s got certifications, books, and all kinds of stuff and places that he’s spoken at. Bill checks all the boxes as far as being an experienced coach.

Mary is new, competent, and well-trained. However, Mary doesn’t have the same level of achievement that Bill does.

Bob is looking to hire a new coach… Why does he hire Mary instead of Bill?

Find out what Mary has that Bill doesn’t

Weekly Content Round Up

Join Jim as he goes live on Facebook and shares valuable nuggets of information with his followers.

Five I’s of Million Dollar Content

CE3 Formula = Amazing Content Marketing

What Makes You Unique Compared To Your Competitors?

6 Steps To Content Marketing Success

Stop Making This MISTAKE With Your Content

Sales Copywriting & Content Marketing Hacks Podcast Recap

We help entrepreneurs sell more with less effort and less stress… no matter what you sell! We cover topics on sales copy, content marketing, advertising, website sales letters, email marketing, headlines, ad writing and more.

WARNING: we are not here to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting… we’re here to make it easy for normal people to use words and pictures to make more sales and get results. And, we have a lot of fun doing it!

Are You Considered the Expert in Your Field? – SCCMH [Podcast 149]

CARVER Method for Business – SCCMH [Podcast 148]

Communications is KEY! – SCCMH [Podcast 147]

The OODA Loop and Using It To Solve Business Problems – SCCMH [Podcast 146]

The 5 E’s of Product Launch – SCCMH [Podcast 145]

To watch more episodes Click Here!

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