Don’t make assumptions about people’s abilities… [video]

This saying says it all.  Never ASSUME, because when you ASSUME, you make an ASS of U and ME. It’s safe to say that you should never make an assumption about somebody else’s abilities, you don’t know what’s inside their heart. Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn • Pinterest • Medium • Podcast

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I’m not supposed to take this out of the office… [video]

This video tackles how to use your new book as a serious business-building tool.  Plus, I reveal a “treasure” out of the family archive that shows how great things come from humble beginnings… you’re not gonna want to miss this! Just what the doctor ordered! (It comes in under 5 minutes… so it’s a quick…

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Make money with your own book… without being on the BS list… [video]

People think that the only way you can make money with a book is by having a giant list, or you have to make it on to the New York Times bestseller list. That’s just not true… This 3 minute video packs a wallop. Why? Because it explains THREE ways you can make money with…

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How to Use the “Hook, Story, Offer” Formula for Nonprofits

How to Use the “Hook, Story, Offer” Formula for Nonprofits

“Does this formula work for nonprofit organizations too?”

I believe when someone asks this kind of question, it’s because they’ve forgotten there are real people on the other end of their sales messages.

So, the first thing you can do…

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Death by a thousand cuts… [video]

Yesterday I did a video with a friend where we were discussing distractions and how they add up. With everything that is happening around us, it’s very easy to get distracted… multiple times a day. These distractions are time thieves that make you lose focus. Remember, we don’t fail all at once we fail a…

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Is the “F word” stopping you? [video]

Everybody’s always so worried about the F word. If you say the F word on TV, you’re gonna get banned. If you say the F word on social media, you’re going to offend someone. What is the F word? Well, today the F word is FEAR. Fear can be a very tricky word that holds…

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How to Get Attention on Your Facebook Ads

How to Get Attention on Your Facebook Ads

Do you ever ask yourself: What are the best ways to stop people with your Facebook Ads?

Or better yet, what are the best types of ads to write?

I have some simple answers for you…

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You can’t hide from this… [video]

You can’t hide from your actions, attitude or the people you associate with. The things you do or do NOT do consistently every day, and the people you hang out with are going to determine your attitude, your station in life, your accomplishments. It’s been said that your attitude determines your altitude in life. This…

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8 Business Productivity Tools Every Entrepreneur Will Love (You Should Already Own At Least 2 Of Them)

8 Business Productivity Tools Every Entrepreneur Will Love

If you want to grow and scale your business, then this cool tool list holds the keys you need to succeed. If you want to avoid spending weeks and months trying to find all this stuff on your own, check this out.

The Big Idea: The Right Tools Can Make Your Life So Much Easier

Here’s the crucial thing…

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The Perfect Story-Telling Formula

The Perfect Story-Telling Formula

What’s the perfect formula for telling a sales story?

● Is it the hero’s journey?

● Is it conflict / resolution?

● Is it problem, agitate, solve?

Before we jump into this, I need to clarify something.

You shouldn’t concentrate your undivided attention on the plot.

The number one most important thing in your story is…

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