Three Reasons to Use Traffic Scripts – SCCMH [Podcast 177]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith change things up this week and show some walk thru’s of scripts, wizards, and genies – content marketing software that makes sale copy and content creation super easy and effective.
We do a brief intro discussion while people join us and then take questions.
Consistently Build Traffic or Buy / Borrow – SCCMH [Podcast 176]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss building traffic in email list, social media, or just eyeballs on your products and services. Check out Jim’s Buy, Build, Borrow method and get to work CONSISTENTLY.
Experiences Matter When Understanding Your Customer – Lessons Learned from FHL- SCCMH [Podcast 175]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith the process it takes to thoroughly understand your Avatar (Ideal Customer) at different stages in his/her life.
Top Ten Easy Ways to Create Content Marketing That Works – SCCMH [Podcast 174]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the most common and easiest ways to create content marketing effectively.
3 Crippling Myths About Content Marketing Every Entrepreneur MUST Ignore
Content Marketing gets a lot of attention now, but it’s been around since the first caveperson scratched a stone across a cave wall and made a picture to sell their saber tooth tiger teeth… or used muskrat pelts!
Content marketing is NOT NEW… but it’s more necessary than ever (if you want authority in your marketplace and to be viewed as the EXPERT you are)!
So, if somebody tells you the following, flip them the bird 🐔 and keep going on your merry way!
Are You Addicted to the Screen – Tips to be More Productive – SCCMH [Podcast 172]
Are you using your Phone, DeskTop, Big Screen TV effectively to make your business or efficient or are you wasting significant amounts of time being unproductive? Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss some ideas to use it for business and not waste time each day. Be more productive with technology.
Pitch Your Product- Common Mistakes and Secrets to Success – SCCMH [Podcast 171]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss pitching products successfully as well as tips to avoid common mistakes.
Building and Delivering a Webinar That Sells – SCCMH [Podcast 170]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss finding some easy and create ways to create your webinar, how to deliver it, and how to make sales.
Do You Feel Out Of Balance? You Need This!
Earlier this week I mentioned how important it is to focus on the right thing in order to make more sales and serve more people. For me, balance and focus go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other, at least not in my experience.
If you’re off balance, you can’t focus on the right things.
I got out of balance over the last few months for different reasons.
One of the main reasons I got out of balance was that I lost…
Finding Your Ideal Customer (Avatar Wizard) – SCCMH [Podcast 169]
Finding Your Ideal Customer
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss finding your best customer, walk through the Avatar Wizard, and create ways to inform them of your business offers.