How to Stop Wasting Your Time and Effort

How to Stop Wasting Your Time and Effort

We tend to come up with impressive to-do lists. And I admit I do this, too!

I get inspired with all the stuff I am going to do:

• I’m going to start a podcast

• I’m going to do a Facebook live every single day

• I’m going to publish an article

• I’m going to set up 10 funnels

And this is a great list to start with. But there’s a problem!

You need to make room for what you want to do by…

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Member’s Update – November 7, 2020

Take Time To Refresh

You can’t breathe in if you don’t breathe out.

You can’t receive if you aren’t willing to give.

You can’t work hard if you don’t relax.

The holidays are approaching….

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Member’s Update – October 30, 2020

Excuses Are Like _______

I think I’m mellowing in my old age. After all, I’ll be 53 next month 😉

I used to be VERY black and white in my approach to life. Things were supposed to be a certain way and that was IT!

Line in the sand…

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Weekly Update – August 12, 2020

A Note From Jim Does it pay off to ‘pay it forward’ in an online business?  I had an interesting experience last week. I had two people ask me for copywriting help… both of whom had an “emergency” on their hands. One is a business partner. One is someone I did a summit with and…

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Integrate or Eliminate

Integrate or Eliminate

What does that mean?

This idea of ‘integrate or eliminate’ came to me during a conference I attend every year.

I was sitting there, listening, paying attention…and a huge thought crossed my mind.

Usually, I have plenty of things going on, and every year I set out these grand goals, yet it seems like I struggle (and fail) to get it all done… 

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There’s always time for what’s most important… [video]

We haven’t done a Letting the Chickens Out with Jim in a while because I’ve had other responsibilities and things pop up that I’ve needed to take care of. I have noticed that I’m still able to get the most important things done… See how I’m doing it in this short video. Join my private…

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What to eliminate from your life? [VIDEO]

Before you can take something on… you have to take something off… See what I mean by watching this quick video. If you want more tips and tricks join my private FB group:      

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Integrate or eliminate! [VIDEO]

Get refocused and give maximum value at all times! If you want more tips and tricks join my private FB group:

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