How to Stop Wasting Your Time and Effort

How to Stop Wasting Your Time and Effort

We tend to come up with impressive to-do lists. And I admit I do this, too!

I get inspired with all the stuff I am going to do:

• I’m going to start a podcast

• I’m going to do a Facebook live every single day

• I’m going to publish an article

• I’m going to set up 10 funnels

And this is a great list to start with. But there’s a problem!

You need to make room for what you want to do by…

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Weekly Update – August 12, 2020

A Note From Jim Does it pay off to ‘pay it forward’ in an online business?  I had an interesting experience last week. I had two people ask me for copywriting help… both of whom had an “emergency” on their hands. One is a business partner. One is someone I did a summit with and…

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Integrate or Eliminate

Integrate or Eliminate

What does that mean?

This idea of ‘integrate or eliminate’ came to me during a conference I attend every year.

I was sitting there, listening, paying attention…and a huge thought crossed my mind.

Usually, I have plenty of things going on, and every year I set out these grand goals, yet it seems like I struggle (and fail) to get it all done… 

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What to eliminate from your life? [VIDEO]

Before you can take something on… you have to take something off… See what I mean by watching this quick video. If you want more tips and tricks join my private FB group:      

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Integrate or eliminate! [VIDEO]

Get refocused and give maximum value at all times! If you want more tips and tricks join my private FB group:

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