My #1 Productivity Hack

My #1 Productivity Hack

Want to know my number one productivity hack?

If you want to be more productive, you should start connecting the things you want to get done to other things you’re already doing.

Why? Because…

Productivity is the result of habit.

I was reading a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. One point that stood out to me relates to what I’m sharing with you right now… 

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Re-Creation [video]

Recreation or re-creation? After having one of the busiest weekends I’ve had in awhile (I didn’t do any business work), I noticed that I was more rested this morning when it was time to work… even though I didn’t rest all weekend. I’m realizing that when I’m idle (resting) my mind is still focused on…

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Be An Innovator, Not An Inventor

Be An Innovator, Not An Inventor

Why You Should Want To Be An Innovator And Not An Inventor

There’s a lot of advice floating around about online business:

• How to pick products

• How to choose your market

• How to set everything up for success

And I believe most of that advice is smart and useful! But I always prefer simplicity.


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“But I don’t waaaaana do it…” [video]

Do you ever hear your inner toddler whining about something that needs to get done? That thing that you really don’t feel like doing and have been putting off… Here’s my solution to getting the task done and putting the inner toddler down for a nap.  Does copywriting cause your inner toddler to come out?…

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5 Ways You Can Grab Attention in Your Sales Copy, Live Videos, And More!

5 Ways You Can Grab Attention in Your Sales Copy, Live Videos, And More!

How do you grab your audience’s attention without being “over the top?”

I get asked this question a lot and with good reason! It’s because people have to pay attention to you before they pay you with money.

Here are a few of my best tips for getting someone’s attention… 

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Have you fallen into the Facebook TRAP?

Have you fallen into the Facebook TRAP?

Has Mark Zuckerberg trapped you? Is he limiting your business? 

Over the past 20 years, I’ve watched hordes of people chasing “the only way to get traffic.” It’s like watching my little chickens running towards the feed.

I call this the “traffic trap.” Right now, the “traffic trap” is Facebook because almost every day I hear someone say… 

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Are You Having A Motivational Crisis!

Are You Having A Motivational Crisis!

Let me ask you a few questions, friend. 

• Have you ever felt unmotivated?

• Have you ever not felt like doing something? 

• Have you ever felt as though you didn’t want to do anything because you just weren’t motivated?

Well, let me give you three ways to get more motivated in case you’re not… 

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Are You TOO Content With Your Content? “It’s A Trap!!”

Are You TOO Content With Your Content? “It’s A Trap!”

Does this sound familiar?

You spend a couple of hours creating content in the morning and you’re excited because you made this cool video and you feel a sense of accomplishment.

Then you say to yourself, “I’m glad that’s over. Let me just post a link over on Facebook.”… 

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Are You Cheating People And Are You Cheating Yourself?

Are You Cheating People And Are You Cheating Yourself?

Most of us who do stuff online are incredibly creative. 

We’re coaches, we’re authors, we’re software developers. 

We do all these things, and we define ourselves as that thing.

“I’m a coach.”… 

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Have the enthusiasm of a child… [video]

Kids think that everything’s a game. Everything’s fun! Kids don’t think about the negatives. What if it doesn’t work out? What if somebody makes fun of me? What if I look stupid? When was the last time you looked forward to getting up in the morning, getting to work and doing what you wanted to…

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