The Holy Grail Of Proof = Case Studies

The Holy Grail Of Proof = Case Studies

Case studies – Your #1 Way To Prove That What You Sell Works!

What is a case study? When some people hear the word case study, they probably think of a testimonial… but a case study is not a testimonial.

A testimonial is when somebody says good things about you or good things about your product. A case study is the customer’s journey with your product…

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Make More Sales with Better Proof [video]

Three Types Of Testimonials That Can Skyrocket Your Sales Overnight A testimonial is where people endorse your product or service. There are three types of testimonials you can use to help make more sales. Testimonials are amazing because they’re proof that other people have gotten results with your product.  If you want to learn more…

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Weekly Update – February 16, 2022

Jim’s Golden Nuggets Three Types of Testimonials That Can Skyrocket Your Sales Overnight We’ve talked before about the fact that a testimonial is different from a case study. A case study is a story of how people got results with your product or service. A testimonial is people saying something is amazing and others should…

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Are You Considered the Expert in Your Field? – SCCMH [Podcast 149]

“Are You Considered the Expert in Your Field? – SCCMH [Podcast 149]”

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what it takes to become an expert in your market. Are you perceived as the expert by future customers / current customers? Why? Experience? Education? Coaching / Teaching Ability? See what makes YOU the expert in your field…

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These Make Sales Skyrocket [video]

Case studies – Your #1 Way To Prove That What You Sell Works! What is a case study? It’s the story of how a customer experiences your product or service. Case studies are just as important as testimonials on a sales page, but what you may not know is that they’re even MORE valuable than…

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CARVER Method for Business – SCCMH [Podcast 148]

“CARVER Method for Business – SCCMH [Podcast 148]”

Jim and Stew discuss an old school Special Forces acronym for target analysis BUT we use it for assessing business opportunities and vulnerabilities as well.

CARVER = Criticality, Accessibility, Recoverability, Vulnerability, Effect and Recognizability – How can you the CARVER acronym to assess your own business…

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Communications is KEY! – SCCMH [Podcast 147]

“Communications is KEY! – SCCMH [Podcast 147]”

Jim and Stew discuss how communications continue to change quickly in life and in business. Communication is KEY. Have you noticed the evolution of email going from everyone excited about “You’ve got mail?” to spam filters and mass delete feature? Some in the younger generation consider email about as formal of writing as snail mail is. Snail mail, phone calls, and emails are being replaced by…

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The Greatest Story of All Time in 60 Seconds Flat [video]

The hero’s journey follows a basic arc you can use to create an incredible storyline that motivates and persuades quickly. Use this framework to create your own amazing stories to help you sell more, convert more, get more clicks, profits, and make your sales copy more interesting. Would you like to get better at telling…

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The #1 Story To Tell To Make More Sales

The #1 Story To Tell To Make More Sales

I started selling my first book online back in 1997. I struggled for years. In fact, I struggled for four years trying to sell my book. Then I went to a seminar and I listened to somebody who said, “You need to tell a story on your sales letter.” Actually, first, he taught what a sales letter was, then he said you need to tell a story on your sales letter.
Now, I don’t know about you. But if somebody says, “Hey, tell a story.” It’s kind of hard to figure out which story to tell…

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This Word Made Me Millions: Stories [video]

Word of the day: Stories Stories are the most powerful tool for amazing sales copy and content ever created. A great story sells without selling, and the single most valuable thing you can do to make more sales is get better at telling stories. Start telling stories about your products, your customers, and your experiences.…

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