Weekly Update – December 16, 2020

A Note From Jim

Goals VS Outcomes VS Actions

Ah yes… time for those pesky goals again… the new year is almost upon us.

Let’s try something different this year.

Instead of setting a bunch of goals that we’ll forget about by January 2nd, let’s do it intelligently this year. Let’s set goals for the things we CAN control and set a course for outcomes we know those actions will create.

What do I mean?

Everyone sets the goal of “I want to make $100,000 this year!” (Or $500K, or $1M, etc.)

Rarely do they ever achieve it.

Everyone sets the goal of “I want to lose weight.” or “I want to lose 50 pounds.”

Most people will GAIN weight this year.

No matter what the “goal” most people will miss the mark and give up entirely within 30 days.


Because they make the WRONG THING the goal.

You can’t control the outcome of making $100K.

You can’t control the outcome of losing 50 lbs.

You can’t control ANY outcome of ANYTHING in your life.

What you can control are the ACTIONS you take that will almost certainly bring about those outcomes.

Want to lost weight? Set the goal of walking every day at 6:00 a.m. Monday – Saturday for 45 minutes.

Want to lose weight faster? Set the goal of only eating one plate full of sensible food at each meal.

Both of those goals (ACTIONS) are controllable 100% by you. You control putting your butt in the street to walk and what you shove in your mouth every day!!

Want to make that money?


  1. ADD value to your target audience every single day in the form of valuable content
  2. TEST at least one ad every day
  3. DO at least two webinars a week to promote your product
  4. DO a Facebook live tip every day
  5. CONNECT with at least ONE new person who could do a reciprocal webinar or promotion with you every day

Quarterly GOALS:

  1. CREATE a new product or service to offer to your audience
  2. PROMOTE the crap out of that new product EVERY DAY

Notice every one of these goals is an ACTION you will take. To quote Yoda, “Either do or do not… there is no try.”

Accomplish these goals every single day and you’ll get the OUTCOME of making a crap ton of MONEY… how much money? I don’t know, but MORE than you’re making now. I can guarantee that!

So, this year, reduce your goals down to just a handful of DAILY ACTIONS you can control. NOT some giant list of crap you’ll never even think about after a couple of days.

Then, every day, score yourself.

“Did I _____, ______, _____ and ______ today?”

If yes, GREAT! Do it again tomorrow… and the next day… and the next!

If not, do better tomorrow.

ACTION creates outcome.

By the way, wishing, whining, bitching, moaning, pining, or hoping doesn’t accomplish ANYTHING!

ACTION… CONSISTENT ACTION ==> That’s your goal for every day starting NOW.

Don’t wait for January 1 to do this… START NOW! That way when everyone is just waking up on January 1st with a hangover, your happy self will already be 100 miles down the road and nobody will be able to catch you!

Go for it, my friend 🙂


Featured Testimonial

I am really, really appreciating Jim’s “Article of the Week” newsies…. such as the latest one, My Lazy Secret to Being More Productive.” It’s just so refreshing to get some real world tips on just… well… keeping it “real.”

Jim continually addresses these little walls of frustration or challenge that we all face every day, and then comes up with such wonderful creative solutions that break them down with simple action.

It’s like a big brother saying “I got your back, bro”…

No lofty preaching, no hard push… just a simple “Here ya go… try this out… it works for me.”

Thanks Jim…. especially during these tough times… from my heart… thanks.

Kenn Cool

Featured Article

Planning is one thing, but getting stuff done is a whole other ball of wax!

If you’ve been frustrated felling like you have every intention on burning through your To Do List, but just end up spinning your wheels, I’ve got a little secret for you.

Click here now to find out my secret productivity hack

Fill My Webinar Scripts – Free Webclass

Want to know how to fill your webinar, Zoom, or online event with your ideal customers?

How about doing it without spending a fortune or wasting weeks struggling to write emails, headlines, video scripts, promo copy, or ad hooks?

Here’s what you can expect on the training:

  • How do I get more people to register and show up for my webinar?
  • What’s the best way to promote without going broke?
  • How do I write great emails, page copy, and ads to attract a ton of people?

We answer all these questions and MORE when you attend “Fill My Webinar Secrets” this Thursday, Dec 17, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. EST.

Register here for this FREE webclass and let us show you how yo ‘pack the house’ on your next

webclass, training, workshop, summit, Facebook LIVE, Coaching Event, or Sales Presentation: https://fillmywebinarscripts.com/

Letting The Chickens Out with Jim

Every week Jim goes live on Facebook and posts his morning tips while letting the chickens out.

What happens when FB or Google goes down?

The best person I know at cultivating relationships…

In the end, this is all you’ve got…

It’s okay not to be the expert!

Sales Copywriting & Content Marketing Hacks Podcast Recap

We help entrepreneurs sell more with less effort and less stress… no matter what you sell! We cover topics on sales copy, content marketing, advertising, website sales letters, email marketing, headlines, ad writing and more.

WARNING: we are not here to teach copywriters the finer points of copywriting… we’re here to make it easy for normal people to use words and pictures to make more sales and get results. And, we have a lot of fun doing it!

Being Ready for Business Opportunities as They Emerge – SCCMH [Podcast 92]

Using Social Media Effectively For Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 91]

Bump Offers, One Time Offers And When to Use Them – SCCMH [Podcast 90]

Salescopy On Landing Pages – Need to Know Info! – SCCMH [Podcast 89]

To watch more episodes Click Here!

Join us on Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Medium Podcast


  • Adventago

    Reply Reply December 16, 2020

    I’ve never done a webinar before Jim this would be interesting to see what people think and what you will reveal to us

    I hope to goes great have an amazing day from your friend Adventago

    • Bill Cannon

      Reply Reply December 16, 2020

      As always Jim this is a great article and a good idea to cut our goals into smaller chucks by doing them each day. Happy Holidays to you and all of your family and your staff.

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