Weekly Update – March 22, 2023

Jim’s Golden Nuggets Anatomy Of A Money-Making Email Teaser No matter what you sell… you’ll use email to help you sell it. Whether you’re following up with customers and subscribers or sending cold emails to potential prospects you found on the web, email will play a part. The structure of your email message is just…

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Is Your Email Address “Blacklisted?”

A lady emailed me yesterday very upset over the fact that her friend’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) wasn’t delivering important email messages. This lack of delivery caused a real problem for the two of them with ruined plans, missed appointments, and just plain inconvenience. If you don’t use email, this might not sound like a “big deal.” But this problem of non-delivery has dramatically affected the way businesses use email and how consumers receive email.

To put things into perspective, imagine if every time you dialed a friend’s phone number you had no idea whether it would ring or not. Now imagine how frustrated you would feel over time if…

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Weekly Update – March 9, 2022

Jim’s Golden Nuggets Are You An Accidental Spammer (And You Don’t Even Know It)? When most people hear the phrase “email marketing” they think of a business sending email out to people trying to sell stuff. When entrepreneurs hear the phrase email marketing, they often think of emailing your customers and subscribers to sign up…

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How To Build A Profitable Email List In 60(ish) Seconds [video]

If you want people to join your list, you have to set up a value exchange. People who sign up for free stuff only want MORE free stuff (which doesn’t help you at all). But, if you help them get their number one payoff, they’re gonna love you, trust you, respect you, and PAY you!…

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Email Marketing Is Dead… Or Is It?

For as long as I can remember, people have been saying that email marketing is dead. 

The first time email marketing died was really when blogs came out and introduced RSS feeds. 

They said, “Ah, nobody’s gonna want to get email anymore. They’ll just subscribe to updates and your RSS feed will push it through to them.”

Nope. Didn’t happen…

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Weekly Update – March, 2, 2022

Jim’s Golden Nuggets How To Build A Profitable Email List In 284 Words! If you want people to join your list, you have to set up a value exchange.  What does that mean? It means they don’t want to give up their good email address. Why?  Cuz you might spam them! To overcome that fear,…

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Email Marketing is DEAD [video]

For years, people have been saying that email marketing is dead. It’s NOT! Want to know the secret to successful email marketing? Send emails to people who actually want to receive them, not just a bunch of people who don’t give a crap about what you’re talking about. A targeted list of people who have…

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Funnel Scripts vs. OFA Copy Hacks [video]

What’s the difference between Funnel Scripts and the OFA Copy Hacks I just released? Watch this quick video as I explain the differences and the options available. Join OFA Copy Hacks here: www.ofacopyhacks.com PS – Have you heard of my amazing FREE Facebook group if you want to write better copy and amazing content… otherwise…

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Should a free video lead magnet video live on the confirmation page along with the sales video? [video]

Should a free video lead magnet video live on the confirmation page along with the sales video? PS – Join my amazing FREE Facebook group if you want to write better copy and amazing content… otherwise you hate money 🤣🦄 https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ Join us on Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn • Medium

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What is My #1 Productivity Hack? [VIDEO]

If you want to be more productive start tying the things that you want to get done to other things that you’re already doing. Watch this short video to see what I mean. If you want more tips and tricks join my private FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks Join me on Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn • Medium

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