Weekly Update – August 03, 2022
A Note From Jim 5 Ways To Keep Your Product, Service, Or Software Truly Evergreen (And Keep Those Sales Pumping) Probably the biggest mistake people make is thinking that once their product, service, coaching, or software is done, they’ll never have to touch it again. It’ll just keep selling forever as long as they drive…
Evergreen Webinars: Do They Work… or are they BS?
Evergreen or not to Evergreen? That is the question!
When it comes to webinars the “holy grail” is to be able to take your webinar and turn it into an evergreen presentation that makes you money 24/7/365!
All the experts who sell webinar software admit that converting to evergreen is easy and won’t take hardly any time whatsoever.
Creating a webinar that works… that can be tough.
Weekly Update – July 6, 2022
A Note From Jim “Declare Your Independence Day” With July 4th behind us (Independence Day in the USA), I’m reflecting back on my own “independence” day in June of 2001. Let me tell you a quick story… It’s a story about the time I got fired over my cell phone on my way home from…
Spring Training for Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 156]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss how you can take advantage of the change of season and get ready for increase in sales of products and services. This may require launches, learning something new, being nimble enough to evolve with technology, but in the end, it is all about making you a better business operator….
How Exposing “Dirty Little Secrets” Changed My World Forever
Let me tell you a quick story… I was a young mortgage broker working in South Florida (Miami) in a super competitive market. I was getting crushed in business and just was not getting any loans. I was working on 100% commission, and I had a 60-day draw before I’d have NO money coming in.…
Is there ever enough time?
All of us are busy, the older we get the busier we seem to be and the faster time seems to go. The problem is that we’re focused on the urgent instead of the important. We’re reacting instead of living. The one thing to remember… there’s always time for what’s most important! If you aren’t…
How do you overcome writer’s block?
This question has troubled humanity since the first caveman (and cavewoman) decided to draw pictures and create cave art to communicate. But I have some useful and proven ways to overcome writer’s block. Here they are: Try to answer this question: ‘Why do I have writer’s block?’ I know it might sound counterintuitive, but it…
Jim’s Gem: Control Self Talk [video]
What is self talk? It’s the stuff you say to yourself habitually all the time. And we all talk to ourselves. And if you say to yourself, “I don’t talk to myself.” Well, then yeah, you do, because you just talked to yourself and said you didn’t. We all talk to ourselves sometimes out loud.…
Jim’s Gem: Faith [video]
When a lot of people think of faith, they think of prayer and faith in God. But when other people think of faith, they think of just blind trust. When I think of faith, when it comes to my business is an absence of doubt. Or really banishing doubt that the things that I want…
Jim’s Gem: Get Back On The Horse [video]
One of the things that I’ve learned over the years is that life is a game of momentum. When you have momentum, it’s easy to keep momentum. But when you lose momentum, sometimes it’s hard to get it back. This applies to business, this applies to stay in shape. When you’re exercising every day, it’s…