It All Comes Down to Priorities…
There’s always a way to get just about anything important done. If it’s important enough that you REALLY want to do it, complete it, attend it, experience it, have it, achieve it –you’ll do it. The key is do you REALLY want it? Can you focus on it LONG ENOUGH to make it a reality?…
“Ideal” VS “Real World”
When I planned out my new year, one of the things I did was plan out my “ideal” business weekday hour by hour. I mapped out what I would do from the time I woke up until I knocked off from work. In the last 60 days, I’ve had 2 ideal days… the rest have…
How Well Do You Adapt To Change?
I had a very similar conversation with several people this past week. They were all telling me basically the same thing. “Hey Jim, you’ve been around for 20 years selling online, and we’ve seen other guys come and go, but you’re still going strong like the energizer bunny. Why?” That made me stop and really…
Weekly Update – August 23, 2018
A Note From Jim We’re almost to the end of August. That means 4 months left until the end of the year. If you plan to take a week off somewhere around the holidays, that means 15 weeks of opportunity left. 75 golden days (assuming a 5 day work week). 600 hours (assuming 8 hours…
Getting “It ALL” Done!
One thing I’ve realized over the years (okay, and over the last week too) is that you’ll NEVER get it “ALL” done 🙂 Whatever “it” is… you’ll never be done (until, of course, you die… then you have official permission to never worry about your unfinished To-Do list ever again) 🙂 The best thing you…
Most people don’t pay attention to, ignore, or are blissfully ignorant of feedback in their lives. People don’t read the feedback from webinars, or blog posts, or their help desk, or social media. Yet that feedback often holds the key to pulling success from the jaws of failure. Example. I did a webinar with Greg…
I wrote a book and it didn’t sell
I think writing and publishing your own book is a great goal… here’s the response to the “I didn’t make any money with it.” That’s not unusual. Very few people actually make much money on just book sales (unless they already have an audience)… you make money BECAUSE you have a book. The book is…
Weekly Update – June 13, 2018
A Note From Jim Want Something Different – TRY Something Different It’s funny how many things are done the way they’re done because “that’s the way we’ve always done things!” Did you know railroad widths can be traced back to a single guy who attached a steam engine to mining carts? (No, it wasn’t Roman…
Weekly Update – June 6, 2018
A Note From Jim Hit The Easy Button Whenever Possible Many of us tend to only value doing things the hard way. “If it’s too easy, it’s not valuable” or “If it’s too easy, everyone will do it, and it won’t work anymore” seems to be the mindset these days. I admit to falling into…
Which personality will you share?

You Can Share More Of Yourself Without Feeling Weird! Here’s How…🤗 Recently we’ve been talking about showing the multiple facets of your personality and the fact that you can tie in stories from various parts of your life, past and present. Those stories can come from experiences you’ve had, or roles that you play, or…