What’s Your Problem?

What’s Your Problem?

A little while ago, we had a rather sticky business problem to work on, which made me realize I subconsciously developed a process I consistently use for solving issues. If you’ve been looking for a framework to follow to fix problems in your business or figure something out, this is what I do…

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Welcome Home Jim (Knowledge Drop from Paradise) – SCCMH [Podcast 57]

“Welcome Home Jim (Knowledge Drop from Paradise) – SCCMH [Podcast 57]”

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the successful trip to Funnel Hacking Live as well as some down time in Aruba. Scheduling the day around your natural abilities, energy levels, up and down times to get things done as well as engage an audience better with more creative content.

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Weekly Update – February 26, 2020

A Note From Jim “You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” – Jodi Picoult This quote is by Jodi Picoult from her teaching. About Jodi Picoult: She is a Harvard educated writer with 14 million books in print whose credits include writing the scripts for Wonder Woman for DC…

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Here’s the smartest thing you can do right now…

What’s the smartest thing you can do right now?

I’ll tell you, but I need to preface this a bit first.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is thinking the goal is the result. For example, they think, “Make $1 million” is a goal.

It isn’t. It’s a result.

So what’s a goal?

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Weekly Update – February 19, 2020

A Note From Jim Worrying vs. Doing Spend less time worrying about stuff and more time doing. That’s the mantra. I remember on one of my favorite TV shows, “Gold Rush,” one of the characters in the Klondike. He’s a hardened “Viking” named Tony Beets. His motto is basically, “We can stand around all day…

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Today’s Theme Is Gratitude, Humility and Empathy

I’m sitting here in the Atlanta airport almost 24 hours into my journey home.

• I’ve slept on a floor.

• Lost my bags.

• Watched the doors close in my face for the last flight home.

• Given up in frustration over someone’s inability to make decaf coffee…

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Weekly Update – February 12, 2020

A Note From Jim Which Is Better, Testimonials or Case Studies? People often confuse testimonials with case studies. A testimonial is where somebody says they got a specific result with your product or service, or they give their opinion about your product or service based on their experience with it. A case study is the…

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When… [video]

Every year I go to Aruba with a stack of books because this is typically the time of year that I take a break and catch up on books I’ve wanted to read throughout the year. This year I took a suggestion from my assistant Soosan and bought a book by Daniel Pink titled, “When”. …

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Speed Dating with Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 56]

“Speed Dating with Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 56]”

Jim answers several questions that are rather short ended answers but golden nuggets of useful information.

We call this episode Speed Dating With Jim as he discusses both Funnel Scripts and The Jim Edward Method Premium where Funnel Scripts and Premium Wizards for both content marketing and sales copy can be easily created – with the whack of a button.

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Turn any piece of content into a sales making machine when you fly under people’s anti-sales radar! [video]

Back in 2001 I was not in a great place though it turns out I had an awesome opportunity in front of me and I didn’t even know it. I had no money for ads and there wasn’t really anywhere to buy them… but I needed to stay on people’s radar. How did I do…

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