3 Crippling Myths About Content Marketing Every Entrepreneur MUST Ignore

Content Marketing gets a lot of attention now, but it’s been around since the first caveperson scratched a stone across a cave wall and made a picture to sell their saber tooth tiger teeth… or used muskrat pelts!

Content marketing is NOT NEW… but it’s more necessary than ever (if you want authority in your marketplace and to be viewed as the EXPERT you are)!

So, if somebody tells you the following, flip them the bird 🐔 and keep going on your merry way!

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Do You Feel Out Of Balance? You Need This!

Earlier this week I mentioned how important it is to focus on the right thing in order to make more sales and serve more people. For me, balance and focus go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other, at least not in my experience.

If you’re off balance, you can’t focus on the right things.

I got out of balance over the last few months for different reasons.

One of the main reasons I got out of balance was that I lost…

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Weekly Update – September 21, 2022

Jim’s Golden Nuggets 3 Tips To Becoming The #1 Expert In Your Niche If I had to start all over again in my niche, there are a number of things I would do differently to get further along the trail a lot faster. If you’re trying to establish yourself as an expert, I hope these…

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The Future Of AI Content Generation

The future of AI (Artificial Intelligence) content generation is filled with potential, but also fraught with uncertainty.
There are a number of factors that suggest AI will play an increasingly prominent, if not important, role in content generation in the years to come.
One of the most important factors driving the future of AI content generation is the increasing availability of data. As more and more data is generated by individuals and organizations, AI systems will have more…

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5 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Lead Magnets

Quality, not quantity, make a great lead magnet.

If you want to build a huge, rabid, responsive list, keep your lead magnet focused on a SINGLE “Big Idea, Solution, or Payoff” your target audience REALLY wants.

Focus on a single, HUGE promise that’s important to your target audience.

If you structure your lead magnet wrong, it’ll blow up in your face and cost you a lot of time, money, and credibility.

So, if you want to know how to get a LOT more leads…

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The Power Of A Great Idea To Stand The Test Of Time (or – How You Can Cash In For Years!)

If you want to create a product that stands the test of time, it must appeal to a fundamental need that simply won’t go away.

A lot of different ideas come and go. I remember 20 years ago, there was a thing called “Blog and ping.” It was a hack / exploit to actually get pages indexed in Google by creating a fake blog, and then using a piece of software to ping Google about a new page on your blog. It was way to get low value pages into Google as an attempt to exploit their algorithms.
This was back when people were…

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Do You Make These Mistakes With Webinars? (And KILL Your Sales In The Process)

Mistake #1: Go Too Long
Everybody’s time is at a premium these days.
Nobody has time to waste… especially if they don’t see a specific payoff as the webinar unfolds for them.
Shoot for an hour (including pitch) if you want to keep the maximum number of people LIVE on your webinar.

Mistake #2: Kill Them With…

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Get 1,200% More Results From EVERY Piece Of Content You Create!

How would you like to do one thing one time and get a dozen different results from it?

That’s called being efficient!
That’s why we’re going to talk about 12 ways to instantly repurpose your content, any content.

“Repurposing” gets a lot of attention, but what does that actually mean? It means take a piece of content, change its form, and it has a brand-new life.

You could literally create one piece of content and use it 12 different ways…

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What If I Had To Build A List From Scratch?

What If I Had To Build A List From Scratch?

Someone asked me what I would do if I had to build a list from scratch.

And the answer is straightforward.

There are three major steps I’d take to build a list from scratch.

#1 Decide EXACTLY Who I Want On My List.

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Victim Or Victor? Your Choice!

Victim Or Victor? Your Choice!

I’ve been coaching a lot of people lately…

And I’m seeing a pattern of the people making a BIG difference in the world.

In short, they are people who see themselves as victors rather than victims.

These people deal head-on with all the different circumstances they face.

They successfully manage all the adverse situations where other people simply curl up in a ball and say…

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