Be An Innovator, Not An Inventor

Be An Innovator, Not An Inventor

Why You Should Want To Be An Innovator And Not An Inventor

There’s a lot of advice floating around about online business:

• How to pick products

• How to choose your market

• How to set everything up for success

And I believe most of that advice is smart and useful! But I always prefer simplicity.


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5 Ways You Can Grab Attention in Your Sales Copy, Live Videos, And More!

5 Ways You Can Grab Attention in Your Sales Copy, Live Videos, And More!

How do you grab your audience’s attention without being “over the top?”

I get asked this question a lot and with good reason! It’s because people have to pay attention to you before they pay you with money.

Here are a few of my best tips for getting someone’s attention… 

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Have you fallen into the Facebook TRAP?

Have you fallen into the Facebook TRAP?

Has Mark Zuckerberg trapped you? Is he limiting your business? 

Over the past 20 years, I’ve watched hordes of people chasing “the only way to get traffic.” It’s like watching my little chickens running towards the feed.

I call this the “traffic trap.” Right now, the “traffic trap” is Facebook because almost every day I hear someone say… 

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Are You TOO Content With Your Content? “It’s A Trap!!”

Are You TOO Content With Your Content? “It’s A Trap!”

Does this sound familiar?

You spend a couple of hours creating content in the morning and you’re excited because you made this cool video and you feel a sense of accomplishment.

Then you say to yourself, “I’m glad that’s over. Let me just post a link over on Facebook.”… 

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Are You Cheating People And Are You Cheating Yourself?

Are You Cheating People And Are You Cheating Yourself?

Most of us who do stuff online are incredibly creative. 

We’re coaches, we’re authors, we’re software developers. 

We do all these things, and we define ourselves as that thing.

“I’m a coach.”… 

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It’s so much more than “clicks”… [video]

There is absolutely no business on the internet that doesn’t need traffic… The most important chapter in this book is Chapter one. It’s probably the most brilliant idea about traffic that you will ever get, but it has nothing to do with actually writing an ad and getting a click. I don’t care what you…

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5 Ways To Survive Quarantine… [video]

Currently most of the world is in quarantine, going to quarantine, should quarantine, should isolate… all kinds of great, happy, exciting things that just throw a wrench in the middle of everything. Let’s work together to get through this…  Traffic Secrets prerelease starts tomorrow at 2pm. Don’t miss out on my crazy list of bonuses: …

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Do this for 2 minutes… [video]

I’m working like a mad man trying to get a project done this week. This little trick is the only thing that is keeping me from going totally nuts… If you have a stressful week ahead pay attention. Sign up and find out how to get over $8,979 worth of bonuses here: Save yourself…

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Dissecting past failure and success… Which is more important? [video]

Over the weekend I was looking back at something I did in 2004, actually a sales letter. This was a very important sales letter because it was a sales letter that I wrote for a product that ended up making me enough money to pay off my house. It has been nearly 15 years since…

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