There’s Plenty Of Time For Everything BUT THIS!

There is plenty of time to do anything you need to do, EXCEPT… this!

Here’s the thing.

I have many deadlines right now.

Truth be told, I was a little freaked out last night about all of it.

• I’m creating new scripts;
• I’m teaching copywriting;
• I’m editing a new book;
• I’m working with partners;
• I’ve got my business to run;
• I’m going to FHL next week;

I admit I felt a little overwhelmed right before I went to sleep!

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You Gotta See It FIRST… Before You Can Make It Reality In Your Life

You Gotta See It FIRST… Before You Can Make It Reality In Your Life

Let’s talk about micro-visualizations!

Last night I relearned something I’m planning on doing more of moving forward.

I had had a stressful day.

I was sitting there in a painting class with my wife. We got there late because we were meeting with somebody and it ran overtime.

Normally, when I get to painting class, I start right in slashing away…

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On the dock with Jim… [video]

This week is my thinking week at the beach. What is a thinking week you ask? I have discovered that one of the most valuable things that you can do is to sit and think or visualize what you’re doing or your next steps. Join me on the dock for profitable secrets and local wildlife. …

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Weekly Update – January 13, 2021

A Note From Jim If It Seems Too Difficult… If there’s something that seems too difficult to get started with in your life right now, here are a few thoughts to help. This is especially helpful if you’re struggling with those New Year’s Resolutions that don’t seem to be taking hold. If you can’t get…

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There’s plenty of time for everything BUT THIS… [video]

This week I’ve got a lot going on and was starting to get a little freaked out by all of the things I have to get done. I stopped, took a breath and then a little voice said to me, look at your calendar, there’s plenty of time for everything except wasting time!  Don’t waste…

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Productivity Hack #2 – The Super Simple Way to Get More Done in Less Time

My “Lazy” Productivity Hack #2 – The Super Simple Way to Get More Done in Less Time

If you want to stay competitive and relevant in the marketplace, the best thing you can do is to strategically focus your attention only on things that matter most for your business.

Boosting your productivity and maximizing your results are a big key to success.

In my life, I’ve noticed that if I work for hours on end without a break, my productivity actually decreases. …

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8 Business Productivity Tools Every Entrepreneur Will Love (You Should Already Own At Least 2 Of Them)

8 Business Productivity Tools Every Entrepreneur Will Love

If you want to grow and scale your business, then this cool tool list holds the keys you need to succeed. If you want to avoid spending weeks and months trying to find all this stuff on your own, check this out.

The Big Idea: The Right Tools Can Make Your Life So Much Easier

Here’s the crucial thing…

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Daily bandwidth, Scheduling & Checklist Wizard – SCCMH [Podcast 71]

“Daily bandwidth, Scheduling & Checklist Wizard – SCCMH [Podcast 71]”

Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss some of the things they are learning during this weird time for business and personal lives amid stay at home orders.

Scheduling, productivity, and your personally most effective time to work can be optimized with the right mindset. Whether you have your own home office, entrepreneurial occupation, or working from home / laid off, this time is what you make of it. Stay safe, healthy, and keep working hard!

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There’s No Place Like Home

I know it’s been said that you should be able to work anywhere. I know there are people who say that you should be able to think of your laptop as your office and your productivity should not drop. I know there are people who say you should be able to set up a virtual office…

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Productivity Hack #2 [VIDEO]

Your number one productivity tool could be something as simple as your watch. View hack #1 here. If you want more tips and tricks join my private FB group: Join me on Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn • Medium

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