Building Leads, Relationships, and Making More Sales with Avatar Genies [Podcast 196]
Podcast 196 – TJim Edwards and Stew Smith demonstrate using the Genies to create useful content that helps you with building leads, relationships, and sales personally created for ideal customer – AKA Avatar.
All Things AI (artificial Intelligence) Copy and Content – The CopyandContent.AI Report
Episode #1 – In this new podcast we will talk about all thing AI, Copy, Content, ChatGPT, Content Marketing and general business tips and tricks.
If You Want To Create Better, More Targeted Ads, Sales Letters, Blog Posts, Emails, Articles, and More, FASTER…STOP Using Chat Bots and AI Robots… START Using Genies! In this episode find out more about CopyandContent.AI and how it makes sales copy, content, content marketing and social media SO MUCH easier with the help of a better artificial intelligence (AI).
Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot: 10 Things Not to Do with Your Sales Letter

Creating a long form sales letter can be a great way to drive more sales for your product or service. Despite what haters say, long form sales letters work GREAT when selling to a rabid, targeted audience.
However, there are certain mistakes people make over and over again when crafting their sales letters that can hurt their chances at success.
I’ve seen (and made) all of these mistakes in the last 26 years… don’t you make them too!
This list of mistakes to avoid will help you ensure that your long form sales letter is effective and drives maximum conversions….
Six Questions to Build a Sales Story – SCCMH [Podcast 150]
“Six Questions to Build a Sales Story – SCCMH”
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what it takes to become an expert story teller with your sales copy.
Compelling stories can help you engage customers and get them to know you a little better as the expert who can help them with their problems through your products or services. Check out these six questions to ask yourself to help you build such a story…
6 Critical Questions To Capture and Record Amazing, Money-Making Case Studies! [video]
Now I want you to envision asking somebody these questions as you literally just hold up your phone and have them speak directly into the camera. This is all you need to get amazing testimonials with your phone or through Zoom. Now, here’s the cool thing. Asking these questions in this order automatically creates a…
The Holy Grail Of Proof = Case Studies
The Holy Grail Of Proof = Case Studies
Case studies – Your #1 Way To Prove That What You Sell Works!
What is a case study? When some people hear the word case study, they probably think of a testimonial… but a case study is not a testimonial.
A testimonial is when somebody says good things about you or good things about your product. A case study is the customer’s journey with your product…
Make More Sales with Better Proof [video]
Three Types Of Testimonials That Can Skyrocket Your Sales Overnight A testimonial is where people endorse your product or service. There are three types of testimonials you can use to help make more sales. Testimonials are amazing because they’re proof that other people have gotten results with your product. If you want to learn more…
Weekly Update – February 16, 2022
Jim’s Golden Nuggets Three Types of Testimonials That Can Skyrocket Your Sales Overnight We’ve talked before about the fact that a testimonial is different from a case study. A case study is a story of how people got results with your product or service. A testimonial is people saying something is amazing and others should…
These Make Sales Skyrocket [video]
Case studies – Your #1 Way To Prove That What You Sell Works! What is a case study? It’s the story of how a customer experiences your product or service. Case studies are just as important as testimonials on a sales page, but what you may not know is that they’re even MORE valuable than…
The Greatest Story of All Time in 60 Seconds Flat [video]
The hero’s journey follows a basic arc you can use to create an incredible storyline that motivates and persuades quickly. Use this framework to create your own amazing stories to help you sell more, convert more, get more clicks, profits, and make your sales copy more interesting. Would you like to get better at telling…