Weekly Update – May 23, 2019
A Note From Jim Short-Term VS Long-Term Income Some people only think about today. Others only think far into the future. Doing only one or the other will cause big-time problems with cash flow and savings. If you only look at your short-term income needs, you’ll never get beyond that level. If you strictly concentrate…
Weekly Update – May 16, 2019
A Note From Jim Two Simple Questions Benjamin Franklin endeavored to asked himself two questions every day of his adult life. Morning question: “What good shall I do this day?” Evening question: “What good have I done today?” The power of your daily routine is rarely something people notice, let alone plan. But I want…
Weekly Update – May 8, 2019
A Note From Jim There’s a secret to making your products easy to sell. It starts with a couple questions you should be asking: Is there a “test” to separate really GOOD “how to” products from most of the crap people sell online? Is there a way to keep yourself from falling into the me-too…
Weekly Update – April 24, 2019
A Note From Jim “Success Starts with a Decision” 50% of people fail in online business because they never get started. 40% quit when the first thing they try doesn’t work out perfectly and make them rich the first week. 7% slack off right before they’re about to make it BIG – they end up…
Weekly Update – April 3, 2019
A Note From Jim Checklists & Deadlines Nothing gets done without a deadline or a checklist. You need the list of what you’re getting done and when you’re doing it. Here’s your checklist: [ ] Keep it simple. [ ] Break it down into bite-sized steps. [ ] Put a deadline on each step. […
Weekly Update – March 14, 2019
A Note From Jim Check Out My NEW Podcast! Check out “The Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks Podcast with Jim Edwards” where Stew Smith and I give you amazing tips, tricks and advice on how you can use words, pictures, and video to sell more… no matter what you sell! Fun… entertaining… informative! This…
Weekly Update – March 7, 2019
A Note From Jim “Hook Them With No And Then Lead Them To Yes” I’ve told you before that the fastest, easiest way to hook somebody in your sales copy is with a question. Most people will ask questions like, “Hey, do you want more book sales?” Or “Hey, do you want to sell more…
Weekly Update – February 28, 2019
A Note From Jim Would you like to know the #1 thing you can tie stuff to and automatically create a system that will make you more productive? Tie whatever new activity you want to create a habit around to when you check your email for the first time in the morning. All of us…
Weekly Update – February 21, 2019
A Note From Jim Most Everyone Does it Backwards! Why do the vast majority of online businesses fail, or never get off the ground? It’s because nearly everyone approaches it the wrong way. The problem is, they come up with a product idea first, and then they desperately try to find someone to buy it! Their chances at…
Weekly Update – February 14, 2019
A Note From Jim This is how they do it in HELL… In a particularly memorable portrayal of Hell, an author told a story about a guy who was forced to work as a waiter. In order to get out of Hell the man had to make $100 in tips in a single night. Every…