Weekly Update – September 30, 2020

A Note From Jim 7 Surprisingly Simple Reasons Most People FAIL In Online Business (#5 Will Make You Want To Set Your Hair On Fire) Most people fail not because of the big things, but because of the seemingly small things. Success is the result of a series of decisions that create a positive or…

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Weekly Update – September 2, 2020

A Note From Jim Flexible Tactics – Rigid Goals It’s no secret that we’re living in strange times… but when have we not? People have complained about politicians since time immemorial. Plague… economic worries… social unrest… war… stupidity… crime. Those things pretty much follow humans anywhere they go… always have… always will. So, what makes these…

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Weekly Update – August 26, 2020

A Note From Jim Top 5 Tools You MUST Have To Run A Successful Online Business People ask me all the time, ‘What tools do I need to succeed online?’ It seems like they want some magical “ninja” answer with something they’ve never heard of before… but I’m not sure that’s the case. Here’s what you need…

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Weekly Update – August 19, 2020

A Note From Jim When Opportunity Knocks… Don’t Rush To Open When opportunity knocks, most people think you need to throw the door open and let Opportunity walk right inside the house. Not so fast! Sometimes disaster comes disguised as opportunity… especially if you’re already knee-deep in an existing opportunity. This is where bright-shiny object syndrome can…

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Weekly Update – August 12, 2020

A Note From Jim Does it pay off to ‘pay it forward’ in an online business?  I had an interesting experience last week. I had two people ask me for copywriting help… both of whom had an “emergency” on their hands. One is a business partner. One is someone I did a summit with and…

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Weekly Update – August 5, 2020

A Note From Jim “Balance In All Things” A bicycle wheel won’t turn correctly if one or more of the spokes is either missing or a different length than the others. A boat will capsize if you place too much weight forward, aft, or to one side. Balance is key in business too. If you put…

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Weekly Update – July 29, 2020

A Note From Jim Consistency is the Key Most people will try anything once. But when you only do something once, you don’t really learn anything. I’m a big proponent of consistency. Doing something over and over to get better and improve your results. The problem with consistency is it can get a bit boring…

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Weekly Update – July 22, 2020

A Note From Jim Where Do Great, NEW, Profitable Ideas (Inspiration) Come From? Many people believe they appear out of thin air… like a blessing sent from on high to a few, select people deemed worthy by a higher power. I tend to think that great ideas come from a different source. Let’s look at…

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Weekly Update – July 15, 2020

A Note From Jim “If it is not on the LIST, it does not EXIST” I learned this phrase from my coach, business partner, and friend, Stew Smith. I met Stew back in 2014 when I signed up for his live fitness coaching… which meant he would send me evil workouts every week and my…

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Weekly Update – July 8, 2020

A Note From Jim Rolling with The Punches – When Unexpected Stuff Happens Nobody is immune to “stuff happens.” In fact, “stuff” usually happens at the least convenient, worst time… but then again, there’s never a good time for “stuff” to happen, is there? So, here’s how you deal with it: Step 1. Take a…

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