Weekly Update – July 1, 2020

A Note From Jim 3 Ways To Make Your Email Copy Irresistible Have a great subject line that induces curiosity. Write like you’re emailing a friend. Remember that 99 times out of 100, your purpose is to get the click, NOT to sell the offer. So, let’s unpack this list real fast. First, if you…

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Weekly Update – January 1, 2020

A Note from Jim You Won’t Reach A Single Goal This Year If You Don’t Do This If you seriously want to reach your goals this year, then this goal achievement tip holds the keys you need to succeed if you want to avoid working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. The point…

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Weekly Update – June 6, 2019

A Note From Jim What REALLY Sells People On Your Product, Service, or Idea People don’t buy what your product is. People don’t buy consulting, coaching, e-commerce products, software, physical products… or anything else you can name. That’s right… they don’t buy any of those things. What they do buy are results. They buy the results that consulting,…

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Weekly Update – April 24, 2019

A Note From Jim “Success Starts with a Decision” 50% of people fail in online business because they never get started. 40% quit when the first thing they try doesn’t work out perfectly and make them rich the first week. 7% slack off right before they’re about to make it BIG – they end up…

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Weekly Update – January 23, 2019

A Note From Jim Stop Stop calling them resolutions. Stop calling them goals. Start calling them outcomes and actions. Step 1 – Set the outcome and commit to making it happen. Step 2 – Take action every day until the outcome is achieved. That’s how you make things happen in business and make positive changes…

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Weekly Update – December 21, 2018

A Note From Jim If you want to grab people’s attention, here are FIVE different tips to do it. I had a great question from somebody this morning. “Hey Jim, how to get anyone’s attention without spraying pepper spray?” Now you know me, I’m a very subtle individual. I don’t like to call attention to…

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Weekly Update – December 13, 2018

A Note From Jim “Sold In 60 Seconds!” My good buddy, Alden Mills, is an incredible guy! He’s an inventor, former Navy SEAL Platoon Commander, business owner and mountain climber. One of the things Alden did was figure out the FORMULA for how to sell hundreds of millions of dollars worth of products using 60-second…

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Weekly Update – October 31, 2018

A Note From Jim Dive in and DO it! In the last week, I did 51 (FIFTY ONE) demo videos for my software “Funnel Scripts!” Between the prep, the reworking of the scripts, the production, etc. it came out to about 60 hours of work. But a few super cool things came out of it…

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